The raspberry pi project that I chose to experience was the Retro Pi. at first there was a lot of resistance, mainly because I want to get the most out of this experience and it  seemed most of the information I needed was being given to me through graded videos and lectures.

So my initial choice was the volumio mainly for my love of music. Now as I started to research this project I actually felt overwhelmed with anxiety, and not sure what a lot that I was reading actually meant. when I got home I asked my wife for some help. I’m not sure if that was the best decision, but its too late now. She is more “tech savvy” than I, and I’m working almost 60 hours a week so I really just don’t have the time to get excited about this as I would like to. after weighing the pros and cons and communicating our priorities, we came to the conclusion that if were going to finish this project and have the most fun doing so the Retro pi would be the best fit for us. We both grew up on old game systems, and coding isn’t much different than adding some songs to my iPod Nano. 

So as I went on, I basically just followed the steps to a tee from a few different sources including the advice from Mrs. Ryan and the graded videos and lectures. the notes I took I brought home to my lab. Once I got raspberian onto my retro pi, and the pictures. I was navigating that thing like I was born to. I went and picked up a dope azz gaming keyboard and configured my buttons. Now to actually get the games on the Pi was actually the most frustrating and time consuming for me (and my team). 

I did manage to get a source: this was after long hours of surfing and watching video after video about how it is illegal to get games, to all these different confusing, annoying, useless information. ttps://

So all in all I learned more than I ever thought I would. I would recommend this project to anyone. Some advice I can give anyone that may encounter this experience is to keep an open mind and be patient. Now why I say these things is for my experience I had a hard time navigating and there is more than enough time to put it down and come back to. What worked for me was to have it be a main focus for an hour or two each weekend. Document everything, even the simple stuff. It will make writing the final paper easier and keep the raspberry pi project fresh in your brain whenever you need it.

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