OER Incentive at Delta College

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In the 2017 – 2018 academic year, I applied for and was invited to participate in an OER Incentive Initiative at Delta College, where I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. In the 2018 – 2019 academic year, I am implementing the ideas that I proposed in my incentive application and redesigning the course materials for my sections of CST 133, Computer Concepts and Competencies at Delta College.

I am most excited about the student-led, maker projects using Raspberry Pi computers beginning in the Fall 2018 semester. In collaboration with my Delta colleagues, a free, checkout model is being implemented for the Raspberry Pi kits. The checkout model will allow students to checkout Raspberry Pi kits from the Delta College library for the duration of the semester. A stock of Raspberry Pi kits and accessories have been purchased by the Division to pilot the program. I am currently researching other funding opportunities and sources which could allow for expansion and adoption of this as an OER project in other courses. Students also have the option to purchase the Raspberry Pi kits if they would prefer to own the device. I am working with the Delta College bookstore to offer for purchase options by the Winter 2019 semester.

CST 133 Computer Concepts and Competencies materials, redesigned projects and labs are available below. I will be adding to these throughout the academic year. In the redesign of this course, I am using graded, captioned videos for my lecture materials. Analytics and grading of the video content is being done through TechSmith Relay. Video content is also available below.

CST 133  Topics by Week

  1. Devices & Gadgets
  2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Projects
  3. Education, Technology and Accessibility
  4. Networks, The Internet & Society
  5. Data, Security and The Internet of our Things
  6. Productivity – Making the most of devices and apps
  7. Social Media & Professional Networking
  8. Coding with Python
  9. Python and Raspberry Pi
  10. Raspberry Pi Project Week
  11. Working with Databases
  12. Raspberry Pi Project Final Report
  13. Blog your Pi Project Sharing
  14. Computer Science Week Expo of Raspberry Pi Projects
  15. Course Wrap-up and Feedback

I will be adding to the OER Projects and Labs, shared, Google Drive folder, as well as the CST 133 Computer Concepts and Raspberry Pi Projects YouTube Playlists below as I continue to redesign my course content throughout the upcoming academic year. Content in the Google Drive folder will be organized by weekly topics, as shown in the 15 week model above.

For more information or if you wish to collaborate on a project, contact me at Nicole Ryan at delta.edu.

Course Content

OER Projects and Labs on Google Drive

CST 133 Computer Concepts Graded Videos [using TechSmith Relay]

CST 133 Raspberry Pi Project Videos

Other Resources

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