I found it challenging to find a project to do for my raspberry pi project. I found that there were so many possibilities it was hard to narrow down to one idea. Like any person would I went to google to help answer my question. I looked up some ideas and thought it be interesting to make my software capture images.

I thought that it would be interesting to be able to take photos at night since the stars always make for a cool picture. When I looked up how to do this I found the website https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/meteors-planets-ufos-raspberry-pi-camera/ which gave me some steps on how to get this task completed.

Here is an image of an item I needed. I did not include other images because I’m sure people know what the raspberry pi kit looks like.

I thought that researching this was very interesting. I have never done something like this before so it was a whole new experience for me. I was difficult trying to complete this task and I ran into many challenges that did make me wake to scrap this idea. I would recommend to someone that they should look into something that really interest them for this project. I think it would make the project more enjoyable if they are passionate about what their project is.

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