Zombie Apocalypse Project
Mitchell Willman and Roland Bublitz

We made an Index.html file in gmail.com under our own email to use on hand.

The USB card was erased and getting ready to flash to etcher which was the image for the raspberry pi. Later we went to write the python code to save to the index.html file for safe keeping while working in Roland google account and creating an overview of maps in API services for the credentials page to create the API key to connect to the wifi network was used for the assignment.

We were having a lot of trouble coding it on replit since there are restrictions at Delta College. We solve the issue by which the API code in credential to complete the error.

In step six: We create a marker on google maps and went into Initmap() in replace Zombie_map.addlistener(‘click’, function(e) {} ); following the next step in seven which finished the code for the locations. Longitude and latitude. We had to pick out a couple of icon: emoji’s for the images. Once choose the images we code for example console.log (“you clicked the map”); between the (““) you put in your own location of latitude and longitude in which for example for us we used latitude: 43.5589 and longitude: -83.9853 and the next step was to repeat the step 7 and 8 to make another location with latitude and longitude with your emoji. Once we launch it. The success of excellent but do not use the delta wifi though, they have restrictions.

Part list:
1.HDMI Cable
2.Micro-SD Card reader guide
3.MicroSD Card
4.USB MicroSD Card reader
5.Raspberry PI case
6.Raspberry Pi Computer
7.MicroUSB Power Supply
8.Wireless mini Keyboard
9.Google email
10.Internet connection
1.Internet browser (e.g. Google Chrome or Safari)
2.Text editor (e.g. Notepad or Atom)

Project demo:

Personal Reflection:

This assignment was quiet easy and quiet fun. We did have some issues getting started in the beginning but we figure out what was going on. We tested the code in replit.com a couple of times but the issue with that was the restrictions on the internet at Delta college was stopping us from pulling in up while in class. Our satisfaction on this project was highly grateful on completing it on time. Next time we would plan ahead more and brainstorm for other projects.

Through this project we did have a few hiccups revolving around the coding and the internet. The coding had a bit of nonsense with it and we had to ask some people around for help. The internet did cause problems when we tried to load up an image and it was restricted. All around we really enjoyed this project and ended up bonding a bit through the struggles, we are good pals now.

Annotated Resource list:





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