So I just bought a new Raspberry Pi 3! Now, what am I going to do with it?!

Listening to music is a hobby that I enjoy daily. I can’t imagine life without music, or sound for that matter. A light bulb went off inside my head as I sat and stared at the contents of my Raspberry Pi kit. What if I turned my Raspberry Pi into a music player?? And so it began. My musical journey with Raspberry Pi.

My journey begins with assembly. The kit I purchased came with an nice clear case and a power cord. I had other supplies already on hand so I was pretty much set. I connected my HDMI cord to the TV monitor. I plugged in my ethernet cord into my router. Later I found out I could just connect to WIFI! Goodbye ethernet cord! I set up my USB keyboard and wireless mouse. My MicroSD card is formatted and loaded with Noobs. I’m off to a great start!

My beautiful Raspberry Pi ready for action!

I can’t play music without first selecting a music player to upload to. Fortunately, I was provided a link that made making a decision quite easy! Rune Audio was the way to go!

What a cool website layout!

Let the downloading commence! Next, I had to decide where I wanted to download my music from to upload to the music player. Hmm. Decisions, decisions. What better site to download from than YouTube? Everyone loves YouTube!

Smooth Jazz anyone?? Yes, please!

Nothing is better than a nice cup of coffee and soft vibes in the morning!

I selected a few songs and downloaded them onto the Raspberry Pi computer. I then opened up the music player and uploaded the songs. Voila! My own personal music player in the palm of my hands. (Literally! I love how small Raspberry Pi’s are!)

Starting my day off right with a bit of smooth Jazz!

As I began to play a couple songs, I found myself feeling sad. Why? My musical journey had come to an end. I accomplished what I set off to achieve on this wonderful journey. Has my musical journey with my Raspberry Pi come to an end? Absolutely not! There will certainly be more songs downloaded and more projects to come.

What I loved most about this project was watching the development of the project. From assembly to musical tunes serenating my ears, I absolutely loved my musical journey. I was not sure how hard or easy this project was going to be, but it turned out to be beginner friendly. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a great introduction to Raspberry Pi.

This website provides tons of great ideas for projects. Let’s see what I can come up with next!

Stay tuned for more!


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