Coming into this project I had no idea what to expect. I am not very tech savvy, just know the basic operations, so when we were told we had to set up a device using another device I sort of freaked out. With the help of the internet and teacher, I was able to have a little more confidence with the project.

The project I am doing with my raspberry pi is the Google Assistant. The assistant is there to listen to your commands and perform the command technologically. Commands such as “Hey Google, play Pandora” or “Hey Google, search for baby elephant photos” are ones that the assistant can perform.

The materials I needed was the raspberry pi kit itself, a monitor, a speaker, and a microphone. Along with the Bluetooth keyboard to help navigate.

Without the help of this website I would have been completely lost and would not know how to do any of this. The steps are very clear and explain well on what to do.

I’m going to be honest I still do not have that much interest in technology based projects, but this project definitely enlightened me to give them a chance. I was interesting to see how all of the components come together to create one functional device.


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